Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bridal Beauty Tip: Skin Care

Several blushing, brides are planning the wedding of their dreams! In the midst of their excitement they have selected the perfect dress, decorations, venue, and first song. But there's one important factor related to beauty that she must not forget...SKIN CARE! Prior to my wedding, I began the process of preparing my skin. I wanted my face, arms, and back (ladies don't forget your back, it's what people see when you are saying your vows) to glow as I walked down the aisle. And trust me, make up can only cover so many blemishes so watch your diet and drink plenty of water!

Make it a moment to remember (there's nothing like that tear or sparkle in your finance's eyes) and start taking care of your skin before the wedding. And if you financially savvy, there's nothing like that trip to the spa that can solve all of our skincare issues!

Suggested Products: Cetaphil, Ponds, Olay, Clinique

1. Cleansing
2. Exfoliate
3. Moisturize
4. Sunscreen

Suggested Products: Bath and Body Works, Carol's Daughter, Neutrogena

1. Cleansing
2. Sugar Scrub
3. Moisturize

Quick Tip: In the winter months add olive oil or baby oil to your bath water for soft skin


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