Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sharing Post - Do you Green Clean?

morning after

A few weeks ago I put a call out on my Facebook page for green household tips. 
I received a few. My tip is on my blog under Domsetic Goddess in the right hand 
column. If you have any tips to share please feel free to share.

For removal of soap scum grab an old pair of stockings and roll them into a ball and 
scrub the area with warm water.

I would like to share Nats post from Fertile Body, Heart & Soul

Well over a year ago, I made the switch to Clean Green. I wanted (and needed!) a safe, 
chemical free and non toxic living space. So I got rid of the nasty cleaning products 
and replaced them with Greener Cleaning devices, methods and substances. I got my 
house healthy!

Some household chemicals are so potent, they have a very toxic and damaging effect 

on the human body. Studies have indicated that ingredients in many household 
products affect the endocrine system, resulting in a higher production of hormones, 
linked to infertility as well as other diseases like cancer.

Each and every day in the clinic 
The Pagoda Tree, I see couples faced with fertility 

issues. There is not ever one reason as to why a couple might find themselves in this 
situation, it is an accumulation of factors including lifestyle, diet, environmental 
factors, genetics and constitution. Some of these we can change and implementing 
simple changes, like green cleaning can only every have a positive outcome on the 
body and the home.

I thoroughly enjoy knowing my house is clean and healthy. I admit, I probably need 

to clean more regularly than before, but thats not necessarily a bad thing, it is actually 
easier if I do it every 5 days or so anyway. I thought you might like my easy tips or a 
cleaner, greener home.  So I've listed them for you!

1. Invest in Enjo. This cleaning system rocks, it saves heaps of time and in the long 

run money. It is a little bit costly to set up, but you can start with the bare minimum. 
You can of course still clean green without Enjo, you might require a little bit more 
elbow grease, but its good exercise anyway!

2. Make Bicarb Soda your friend! I use it in the toilets and around sinks and drains. 

You can also use it in your washing to brighten whites. This stuff rocks!

3. If you don't have time, you can still switch to greener supermarket products. 

They are often cheaper and extremely effective. They are of course good for the 
environment also.

4. Clean more for less. If you clean every 5-7 days, you can stay on top of nasties 

and make it easier on yourself.

5. No shoes inside - so good for so many reasons as well as for the bottoms of your feet!


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